hawkwind phantasy

Keith Henderson henderson.120 at OSU.EDU
Tue Jul 15 19:12:13 EDT 1997

Duane sayz...
>I just got off the phone with Jim, and here's the latest
>on the Cleve. HW show.
>There is a very good chance that this show scheduled for
>the 23rd is not going to happen on that day.  Dave Brock
>is supposedly entertaining an offer to appear in London
>on the 22nd, for a Roswell Aniversary show.

Hmmm...aren't they a little late?  The true anniversary's just been.

>This would make it next to impossible to get packed, fly over here,
>get through customs, etc, for a show in Cleve the next
>day.  If this scenerio does occur, the Cleve. show will
>be rescheduled for a day or two later.  NONE OF THIS IS
>As far as tickets, it will be an "at the door" setup,
>with no advance sales.  There should not be any problem
>with ticket availability, as typically the Hawks draw
>900-1000 fans when they play here, and the Phantasy can
>hold 1200.

Huh?  We're talking about the Nite Club, right?  Not the old (deunct?)
Phantasy Theatre, the site of the brilliant 1987 gig.  Unless something's

While I imagine that you could (perhaps) fit 1200 people into the Phantasy
Nite CLub, I don't think I'd want to be one of them, esp. on a hot day.  And
I don't think it'd be legal, either, according to the fire marshall.

When Gong played there roughly a year ago, I'd guess there were somewhere in
the neighborhood of 300-400. (?)  That seemed pretty comfortable.  Double
that and you'd be really crowded in.  Triple that, and I would consider that
well beyond snug.  I think there might be more people who show up than they
really want to let in, if they do it at the door.  Maybe I'm wrong?  Anyway,
I'd get there early, personally.  Unfortunately, I probably won't be going.
Bad timing.  :(

>Expect ticket prices to be around $15 if
>there is a "local act" performing first, but there is a chance
>that Nik Turner will open (only if Dave Brock is o.k. with it)
>as Nik says he would do it.  If this is the case, expect
>tickets to be about $5 to $10 dollars higher.  Anyway, none of
>this is set in stone yet, so as soon as I here anything of a
>definite nature, I will post it.

If this happens, I think they really should try to move it.  Can't they get
the spacious Agora again??  Or what about the Odeon?

Keith H. (FAA)

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