I'll Miss Rudy

BREVARD Adrian R. abrevard at SHL.COM
Mon Jul 28 11:31:48 EDT 1997

Sadly we all have our time and place.  Rudy was an extraordinary guy,
free to discuss and trade music, but not limited in his conversations
and thoughts.  We'd get together for dinner each time he made a trip to
the DC area.  Terriffic guy who'll I'll miss very much as we chatted
daily.  Some of you may not know this but Rudy has battled Lukemia for
some time now.  Last year he spent considerable time in a cancer clinic
being treated.  It all seemed in remission until a relapse a short while
ago.  Rudy had no children but is survived by a lovely wife and one
brother that I know of.

Will miss you Lord of Chaos, no day will ever be the same without a
short note from you.


I've seen a wind torn sky.
And I've felt the river cry.
And I've seen the old ones have their say.
I've known the constitution.
And I've seen a revolution.
And I've seen the birds all fly away.
I've climbed in the back and I've hung
from the rack and I've died more that once on the way.
And I've sat there in awe and I've seen
myself fall and I've felt the full light of the day.
On...my life going by.
I've read confusing fiction.
And lived a contradiction.
And I've wondered where on earth I've been.
I've known a love forever.
A Truth I couldn't sever.
A chord that flows a free as wind.
I've stood on the mountain and drank from the fountain and
poured it all out on the floor.
Turned my back to the glory and walked the tenth story and
come back to knock on your door.
On...my life going by .... my life going on ... my life going by.

King's X

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