BOC: Denmark Concerts

Daniel Wikdahl mpj95wid at MC.HIK.SE
Wed Jul 30 15:07:41 EDT 1997

Theo wrote:
>That's too bad, dude.  Buck's at an all-time peak in his playing
>ability.  The Danish BOC-Lers can expect to have their collective
>mind blown.  Enjoy the show!

Oooooops... theo... well, thanx a lot but...

       Danish? Danish? Danes? Denmark? :-)
       Like a Swedish actor said in TV-serie (his character is in Denmark)

       "Here lies Denmark like droppings of sand in the sea
        but on the other side of the water
        with it's proud watchtowers
        _Sweden_ enthrones carved in _stone_.
        Danish BASTARDS!!!"

        The watchtowers are two Swedish nuclearplants on the Swedish-Danish
border. So close that you can see them from the capital of Denmark.
My translation is not so good but I think you understand anyway... :-)
Except Scott there are no Danish BOC-lers (maybe lurkers?!?)... but there
are quite many Swedish...
I think it's a lot worse to call a Swede  "Dane" (or vice versa!) than to call
a Scotsman "English"... if you know what I mean... ;-)

Maybe we can start a new thread on this list, "Scandinavian Geography and
History"!?!? :-) :-)

                yours -Daniel Wikdahl

"Vadå jultraditioner? Hos oss har vi nya traditioner varje år" (CG)

Daniel Wikdahl
Kaptensgatan 2a
S-39 236 KALMAR
 +46 480 245 11

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