HW: live soon

langner timothy 96163497 at BROOKES.AC.UK
Wed Jun 4 09:33:15 EDT 1997

>_Time Out_ says in its gig listings: "Lloyd-Langton plays an acoustic set
>himself and then joins his Hawkwind pals, for the first time together since

Can someone make sure they tape this gig because I can't make it. (to far away
from any useful trains to my part of the world).

As for songs I'd love to heard Huw do Moonglum my favourit track by him.
Just love the tune to it. Amy be they will do Take what you come for becuase
that hasn't been done in a while. Of course what huw should really do is play
on a track which was wirtten or performed once he left. Be more interesting.
And I hope Jerry continues to play when he palys with hawkwind and also love
to heard jerry on lead guitar at same time as huw. Brock on guitar and
keyboards with ron on bass and sinign and richard on drums. Be great 3 guitars
+ keyboards and ron singing.

Timothy Langner

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