HW: Black Sword

Mark Edmonds mmje at MMJE.DEMON.CO.UK
Fri Jun 20 12:12:19 EDT 1997

In article <01BC7D95.EA2DCB00 at host5-99-46-114.btinternet.com>, Andrew
Gilham <Andy.Gilham at BTINTERNET.COM> writes

>Is this not the old chestnut about the two versions of Nuclear Toy - the
>one on Weird 101

If it is then I goofed! I don't have all the weird tapes.

>Isn't "Zarozinia" "Golden Void" slowed down?

God, if you slowed down Golden Void, it would stop!

>"Flesh fondue, main course stew", that's the "good" lyric, isn't it? :)

I always thought that was "Fresh from tour, main course stew" and the
words were in some way related to eating members of a shagged out
touring unit.

>What's "Rocky Paths" about?

Well, given the release date of the album, it coincided with the boiled
egg famine which hit Madagascar resulting in a massive decline in the
local parrot population as people deperately bartered off anything they
could lay their hands on. One of these parrots found its way into Huw
and Marion's hands, told them its sad story and Huw wrote a song about
it. Most of the lyrics are actually a direct transcription of what the
parrot said except Huw didn't get the nuance of the Madagascan dialect
correct in his translation.

(Sorry Huw, its actually a great song!).

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