Mon Mar 3 12:23:13 EST 1997

i dunno. the ""they"" that chris wrote had "quotes" around it, and was not
i think its fair to assume that it was tossed with a nudge and wink. but
there are "people pushing
buttons" (note quotes and lack of caps) behind "the people pushing the
buttons". and tho i realize they
are most likely humans, they are still third plural, and definitely qualify
for 'they' status. = )
i believe in the "they" theory myself, as i think the "government" is far
too advanced to ignore fantastic tools
like psychology, and propaganda. yes, i believe in "they", but i am in
complete control of my life. right up
to the time i decide to "do not or do", what "they" "do or do not" want me
to. at which time "they" will most likely take complete control of my life.
so just change all those "theys" to "individuals with human goals and
motives----both good and ill---- and some in greater positions of power
than others...... nah, takes too long to type, let's stick with "they"!!!!
 = )

and before ya get pissed, paul, please know that i'm just making a

> On Mon, 3 Mar 1997, Chris Warburton wrote:
> > "They" (as good a term as any) fear anything they can't control &
influence -
> > it's not just Stonehenge/travellers/chemicals - look at the way the net
> > being demonised, or way back when, the Oz obscenity trial.  Once upon a
> > only governments & multinationals had the sort of easy worldwide
> > that are now readily & cheaply available to anyone.  "They" just want
> > vegging out in front of the TV, or buying the stuff in the ads - God
> > that we should actually have ideas & exchange them.
> This cracks me up.  You speak of "They" (often called THEY and THEM) as
> they are some foreign race of space aliens, and not living, breathing
> human beings like the rest of us.  There are people on this list who work
> for huge multinationals and governments.  Are they "They?"  Are these
> people fearing the Internet, BOC-L, et al?  Should I loathe and demonise
> them as you have done above?
> When someone can give me a good, objective definition of the nefarious
> cabal known as THEM (THEY, "They" etc.), I will start to take "Their"
> elaborate, meticulously-crafted Machiavellian plans for global
> of the masses a tad more seriously.  (Tell me how I can recognise one of
> THEM.)  Until then, I shall consider them individuals, with human goals
> and motives---both good and ill---and some in greater positions of power
> than others.
> I agree with Robert Anton Wilson when he says that anyone admitting the
> existance of THEM has relinquished responsibility for their own life; one
> can blame ones successes and failures on THEM, much in the same way
> someone of a religious bent can attribute their daily travails to the
> guiding hand of some unseen, omnipotent god.
> But then again, I must be one of THEM to utter such heresy.
> Cheers,
> Paul.
> obCD: Monster Magnet, _Spine of God_
> e-mail: paul at               A stranger in a strange land.

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