HW: Griffin

Paul G Ward paul at PCMICRO.COM.AU
Tue Mar 18 22:01:43 EST 1997

On 18 Mar 97 at 17:14, Johan Edlundh wrote:

> >Ken:
> >
> >I may have some contacts who would be very interested in "saving the
> >catalog."  If they do show interest, how would they contact Griffin?
> >
> >Gary
> try Rob Godwin himself - last time I saw him he was at cgp at icom.ca
> \\joe

I have the same address for Griffin Records, but also pyat at icom.ca as Rob's
private address. I don't know which is correct - try both.


"If you quoted this quote you'd quote that it was not worth quoting"
Paul Ward,                     R & D Manager, P & C Micro's Pty Ltd
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