Savatage I'll Stop

BREVARD Adrian R. abrevard at SHL.COM
Thu Mar 27 09:20:25 EST 1997

Jerry, John S. & Troy and anybody I left out:

Thanks gentleman for the notes on Savatge, recommendations noted.  Lets
put an end to this one before the off topic police* catch up to us. 8>)

*Note - no flames intended to anyone.

Anybody have any idea of BOC's current club dates?  My browsers out of
whack and I can't get to Cyberbaron.


lil' ab

*My number is NM 156*

obcd - Galactic Cowboys - Galactic Cowboys

"Houston we've got a problem here...

Stuck up here in outer space with a bubble around my face
would have stayed if I only knew before too long my skin turns blue...
pump - up - the - space - suit!"

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