BOC - More 'Zilla/ Galactic Cowboys Conspiracy

BREVARD Adrian R. abrevard at SHL.COM
Wed May 7 09:01:34 EDT 1997

Theo>I was referring to a major studio update of Godzilla that's already
in the works.  It's supposed to be a huge production.  I'll tell ya
right now, that if BOC's song isn't in the flick, I'll refuse to see
it no matter how good it is..."

Howls guy. I understand that people are discussing the new movie but If
I recall there was an American (?) remake of Godzilla a couple of years
back.  Don't think it did well at box office.  Now if the makers of this
new Godzilla are looking to score on a serious movie I think they have
two problems.  1) Godzilla started as a serious Sci-Fi but morphed
quickly into some serious comedy, don't know if it was intentional but
it did 2) wouldn't the song itself take away from the serious intent?  I
always looked at the song as a spoof of the big dino and all movies of
that ilk.

One other thing Theo, complete agreement on Joe.  The most low profile
of all the original members in my mind but as important as anybody.  I
like Danny's playing and this singing.  If BOC really wants to continue
they should let Danny do more if he's capable; I think he is.

Now is this a conspiracy or what?  Torgo, Damon, you guys cannot drop
the name GC around me without me going beserk.  I LOVE THIS BAND.  The
Cowboys rock as hard as anybody and their sense of humor is second to
none.  I know there are some GC fans on this list and some of you guys
even show up on the King's X list, where the Cowboys are often
I think some of the folks here in BOC land would really like them, not
all but some would.  (He he he, wonder if Theo's band could do a
reasonable cover of Psychotic Companion.)  Anyway if you like quirkiness
in your music (tBS has a lot of that) and you like your music at ear
shattering levels by all means go out and get GC's Machine Fish.  I'll
give Tellus a try Damon, especially since Alan is involved, he''s great
on the production end.  Now the biggest mystery I have to solve is Alan
related in anyway to Ginger Doss, keyboardist for Velvet Hammer?  I
asked her the last time I saw her but she would never answer, only
smiled.  Do you know?


lil' ab

"Try not to laugh
But I foresee some danger in your psychopath
No mental blocks
But I will charge you every minute that we talk
Hooked into an IV right to Mr. Spivey
Cosmic Operator standing by
Won't you be my friend,Psychotic Companion?"

obcd - Galactic Cowboys, Machine Fish

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