HW: Lev/Live 79 2fer

Rudich, Robert A Rudich at VOLPE2.DOT.GOV
Wed May 14 12:19:00 EDT 1997

>There used to be a Castle 2 for 1 pack which had both Levitation and
>Live '79 each on their own CD. If anyone has this or is thinking of
>getting a second hand one, the Levitation CD has a track index error and
>the quality of the master is far worse than the single CD Castle release
>- which I think was nearly the first ever Hawkwind CD to be released.
>Anyone confirm this?

I would dispute it.  I have this 2 pack and there is nothing I'd complain
about the Levitation disc as far as track layout or sound quality.  Of
course, the Live 79 disc is sheer pleasure.  From a practical perspective,
this seemed just a packaging change, why would anybody go to the trouble of
remaking/mastering either or both discs?  To release them at a lower price
yet?   Now if I wanted to rant about track layout, the Italian Psycheldelic
Warlords bonus CD with one track 30 minutes long jumps to mind.


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