HW: Hassan I Sahba lyrics

Chip Hart chip at PCC.COM
Wed May 21 00:28:31 EDT 1997

> Does anyone know what the real lyrics to this song are? I've "gotten" the
> Quark album and they pretty buried on there. Curious :-)

        I am *really* afraid to know why Al would want these lyrics.

        The implication of a BOC-to-Hawkwind-to-BrainSurgeons cover is
        mind boggling.

Chip Hart                           *                          chip at pcc.com
People's Computer Company           *              http://www.pcc.com/~chip
15 Pinecrest Drive                  *                     Work:800-722-7708
Essex Junction, VT  05452           *                     Fax: 802-872-8214

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