HW: 10th Day of Forever

J Strobridge eset08 at TATTOO.ED.AC.UK
Thu May 29 19:18:44 EDT 1997

Mark Edmonds writes:

> In article <9705291454.aa10525 at uk.ac.ed.tattoo>, J Strobridge
> <eset08 at TATTOO.ED.AC.UK> writes
> >On the 10th Day of Forever I thought of a venue, a journey, a place to
> >stay
> >On the 9th Day of Forever I thought of those who would not be there -
> >and those who would...
> >
> >so: who is going to the Hawkwind Blackheath gig and where are we meeting?
> When is this gig? I haven`t seen HW since about '92/'93 when they played
> in Aylesbury and now they have this new guitarist, I guess a refresher
> dose of the sound is called for.

Saturday 7th June at Blackheath Concert Halls, London SE (just off the
southern tip of Greenwich).   Doors open 8pm and HLL is supporting.
Go for it  8-)


PS: I've just checked the Web page and I see that 2nd August at
Kettering Festival is an unconfirmed possibility.   Where is Kettering?

J.D.Strobridge at ed.ac.uk                         eset08 at tattoo.ed.ac.uk
                                                ELIJSA at srv0.arts.ed.ac.uk

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