HW: On the 8th Day of Forever....

Jon Jarrett jaj20 at HERMES.CAM.AC.UK
Fri May 30 11:12:26 EDT 1997

On Fri, 30 May 1997, J Strobridge wrote:

> I'd suggest Princess of Wales or Railway Tavern since I'm not sure how
> the Hare & Billet might react to being overrun by BOC-l'ers but if
> anyone has any other suggestions - or knows the area at all speak now!

        The Hare and Billet is also Whitbred and therefore illegal... I've
sent a query to a denizen of the area, but if he doesn't get back to me
I'd say Princess of Wales, on the grounds that it sounds less likely to be
`olde worlde' and therefore might be cheaper... Yours,

           LE FROMAGE N'AIME PAS MAMAN - The cheese does not like Mother
                        (The Not Very Good Interval Band)
                     Jon Jarrett, Pembroke College Cambridge

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