HW: new album and sheffield gig

Chris Bates C.D.Bates at SHU.AC.UK
Tue Nov 4 06:29:37 EST 1997

I'm briefly delurking here...

Is it just me or has the list gone terribly quiet?
Anyway the new album is out and, as someone (Jon?)
predicted, it's in the 2 for 22 quid sale at HMV.
I've now got to sit with the thing in my briefcase
all day before I can listen to it :-(( Hey but then
I can annoy my kids before they go to bed tonight :-))

Haven't seen anything about the recent gigs - Big Mike
will be able to confirm a set list as he picked up a
copy on Sunday. I thought that the Sheffield show was
one of the best HW gigs that I've seen. Fantastic sound
- you could hear everything, great lights and projections.
The band is _really_ tight and personally I even liked
Capt Rizz. The biggest disappointment was the size of the
crowd. In fact crowd is a bit of an over-statement. There
must have been oh two or three hundred people there.
In a smaller venue it would've been great but the City
Hall holds 1800 and so looked empty.

Why was this tour so badly promoted and advertised?
A bit of forethought would _not_ have gone amiss. The
Ozrics are in town tonight: if they'd coordinated
their tours a HW/ Ozrics dual headliner would be a
fantastic prospect.

Right work to do... back to lurking

Chris Bates

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