off: way off

Dan Witt hawkwind1 at EARTHLINK.NET
Wed Nov 5 05:32:34 EST 1997

> help you to stop the act. For example, if you are tempted to masturbate,
> think of having to bathe in a tub of worms, and eat
> several of them as you do the act.

But just the thought of taking a bath in a tub full of worms makes me so
excited, all moving around and slimey, ummmmmm.

Anyway, truly funny stuff.

Anybody in the U.S. found distant horizons for sale? CDnow and CD
universe don't list it. If it's not in the U.S. yet will it be shortly?
Will the LIve 74 be released in the U.S. or just the UK?

thanks for any answers
Standing on the runway waiting for take off

Dan Witt
MInneapolis, MN USA

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