HW : 1999 Party ROCKS, TOO!! (Forward)

Jon Browne jon at COMICS.DEMON.CO.UK
Wed Nov 19 04:57:20 EST 1997

In article <199711190001.AAA08145 at brookes.ac.uk>, langner timothy
<96163497 at BROOKES.AC.UK> writes
>But at 19.99UKP? No wonder people buy bootlegs rather than offical realises
>but yeah I'll buy it one day when it's half the price (probably second hand)
>or after chirstmas if I'm luckly enough to have some more spending money.

Yes, at 19.99! That's great value for such an excellant album. This
isn't some "play once and forget" thing! Easily worth, what, 3 or 4
hours wages? I call that a bargain (The best I ever HADDDDDDDDDDD!!!!! -
sorry, Who reference slipped out)


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