Wanted: Words to 'Watching the Grass Grow'

Marc Power mpower at FCMC.COM
Wed Nov 26 15:45:08 EST 1997

Hi SpaceRockers,

When we (B0RNtoG0) play Cleveland on Saturday, we have been asked to
do a 2-hour set since the support band has pulled out.

I would like to fill out our mostly original set with a few covers of
my favorite SpaceRock tunes.

Watching the Grass Grow - anyone have the words? email them
to me at mpower at fcmc.com please and we will try and rehearse it
tonight. Cheers in advance.

Anyone coming to the Cleveland show on the list? Its Saturday 11/29/97
at the Symposium, not sure what time (ask Jim Lascko, SpaceRock
promoter extraordinaire, hes on this list). If you have a fave SpaceRock
track that you'd like to hear us play at Cleveland, let me know and
I'll see what we can do.

Lets have our own 1999 SpaceRock party at Cleveland!



SpaceRock Central
- featuring the extraordinary music of B0RN to G0 and Alien
<http://www.uniflex.net/~borntogo> (site in progress).

"I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.
 And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect

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