Daniel Wikdahl mpj95wid at MC.HIK.SE
Sun Oct 19 08:07:43 EDT 1997

Craig wrote:
>Hmmmm, this seems to be an issue of COPYRIGHT as opposed to the banning of
>the book for its' political content. I oppose the banning of any material or
>free speech, as I feel that one needs to be able to hear or read what people
>of opposing viewpoints have to say (AKA "know your adversary").

Well, yes - it's a matter of copyright.
But according to Swedish law it's _not possible_ to confiscate someones
copyright(!): which the Allies did after the war. The state Bayern now
claims it has taken over the copyright from the Allies... and it has banned
the book (at least AFAIK).
I have never read "Mein Kampf" but I have thought of doing it, but one book
I have read is Rushdies "Satanic Verses" - what would haev happened if Iran
would have tried to stop the publishing of SV in Sweden by bringing the
issue to Swedish court?

>This just
>looks like money-grubbers in action to me. And, FWIW, I happen to own a
>pre-W.W.II (1938) hardback copy of Mein Kampf. It is NOT an easy read (don't
>pick it up to just skim through it). Never have read the whole thing,
>probably never will...
>Makes tech manuals seem thrilling...

Oh dear. :-)
It reminds me of when I just had signed on as a fisherman and one of the
guys of the crew was reading "Mein Kampf" and I said to him:
"That is really heard to understand" (and I meant the nazism)
and he answered:
"Yes, Hitlers language is difficult."
... and suddenly I understood why he kept his hair so short.

The worst thing was that I had to share cabin with him for quite a long
time and almost every evening he played his f**king "sieg heil music" for

                        mvh -Daniel

"Byalagen är rådgivare åt de politiska nämnderna, så är det."
                                        -Joachim Håkansson

Daniel Wikdahl
Kaptensgatan 2a
S-39 236 KALMAR
 +46 480 245 11

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