OFF: Is Guitar Rock Dead?

Ted Jackson jr. 6L6 tojackso at LIBRARY.SYR.EDU
Wed Sep 10 13:40:02 EDT 1997

> From:          Tom Minsel <tom at ABACUS-DIRECT.COM>

> >Agreed on Terrible Ted,
> >though he's okay live.  What an asshole:  he spouts off about freedom
> >and censorship, then turns around and backs conservative
> >[american-style] politics.  Yeah, those guys will have a lot of use
> >for rock n' rollers!
> Not to start a new thread -  BUT wasn't it Tipper Gore and the liberals who
> founded the PMRC (Parent's Music Resource Center) in the 1980's which wanted
> censorship, at least where rock lyrics were concerned?
> See ya,
> Tom
No, it was Tipper the Southern Belle Bible-head acting as a loose
cannon and embarassment to her husband's political party.  Notice how
she shut up aafter Al got on the big ticket...But your point's
taken--remember when Clinton was all outraged over Sister Soljah's


...It's Legal, but it's not 100 percent legal...

--Vincent Vega

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