BOC: Most disturbing lyrics?

Hall, Russell J russell.j.hall at LMCO.COM
Mon Apr 13 09:47:47 EDT 1998

I have to agree that Career of Evil is one of the most disturbing B.O.C
songs (I guess that is why I love it).  It is disturbing to me not just
for the "dirt road" line; it is because of the complete and systematic
destruction of another living soul.

1) The singer starts by stealing all the expensive/precious things the
guy owns (Emerald Horny Toad, etc.).
2) Then the guy is made to feel emasculated because he cannot protect or
provide for his family (Do It To Your Daughter) and (I'll Keep You
3) Of course, the singer isn't through yet.  He exposes the guy
completely (Steal The Mask Your Wearing), he has no privacy at all - not
even able to appear stoic in front of his peers.
4) Finally, distraught over all that has befallen him, he can't even
escape into the peace of sleep because the singer haunts his dreams (Rob
You of Your Sleep).

This is not you average bad guy - thief/rapist.  He is EVIL, through and

> ----------
> From:         IMPaine[SMTP:IMPaine at AOL.COM]
> Reply To:     BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List
> Sent:         Friday, April 10, 1998 7:41PM
> To:   Multiple recipients of list BOC-L
> Subject:      Re: BOC: Most disturbing lyrics?
> I'd have to say its the Career of Evil,
> "I'd like to do it to your daughter on a dirt road....."
> Didn't bother me until my daughter was born.
> Mr. Janus, your limo is here....

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