reset mumford at ONLINE.NO
Tue Apr 21 03:19:31 EDT 1998

> << I know we raved about this for a while a few months back, but did we
>  ever get a definitive answer to the question of probability with regards
>  to the number of Comic Shop Owners on BOC-L?  ie - why the flip are
>  there so many of yew guys in one places - what are the odds? >>
> It was the subliminal programming inserted in the BOC issues of Defenders
> the seventies...any comics/BOC fan reading those was implanted with the
> to own a comic book store, and those who could made it a reality...:-)

Does not explain what led Jon Browne to take up that subversive profession
of ill repute and how it connects to his obsession with Hawkwind. The
BOC-L/comics connection is dark indeed, an alchemical concotion that in a
flash of sleazy rock'n'roll, drug-braindamage and a misguided childhood of
being raised by DC and Marvel comics (and their beefy men in the colorful
underwear) set all the wrong wheels in motion... if you ask *me* anyway

Its the SF connection - easy. Why Rush has so many pimply adolescent fans.

How 'bout taking a poll of "SF/comics-likers" and "non-SF/comics-likers"
just to get the psychotic statistics down? Weren't there BOC-L polls once
upon a time BTW???

Havent read a comic in a month. Started hatin' 'em.


NP: Word of Life - ....Dust

> Steven Tice
> Calliope Comics
> (But one of many...)

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