BOC: Reverse fungus

Ted Jackson jr. 6L6 tojackso at LIBRARY.SYR.EDU
Wed Apr 22 14:27:54 EDT 1998

> From:          OE3 <OE3 at AOL.COM>
>  I haven't yet started to skip tracks on HF, but if/when I do, I think
>  'Real World' will be the first to go. I work in alternative rock
>  radio, and I hate the shit. This tune is too reminiscent of Dave
>  Matthews and a bunch of other crap for my tastes. The Buck vocals and
>  somewhat BOC-bent are the only thing saving it at this time. Leave
>  the acoustics to the 'Unplugged' set. I like my BOC electric!
>  -- Nick >>
> next to harvest moon, real world is my favorite song on the album.  initially
> i didn't care for it too much but it grew like a fungus and now it's left an
> infectious residue on my mind.  it definitely doesn't sound like b.o.c.; more
> like a buck solo tune.  i never thought of it in a dave matthews context.

I like RW a lot as well.  Sounds like a bit of a send up to the whole
new-age acoustic stuff to me.  But I'm not much of an unplugged kinda
guy either.  Only song I really don't care for, I'm afraid, is In
Thee, even though I like the original version jjust fine.  I don't
think the version on HF adds anything to the record, and it doesn't
stand up too well to the original.  But hey, one song out of the
album ain't too bad.  Really, front to back, HF stands pretty tall in
the BOC oeuvre, and surprised the hell out of me.  I wasn't expecting
anything this good, frankly...

now, i'll take out the trash...
> i find "hammer back" and "still burning" especially repulsive.  that's all i
> have to say.
> so long!
> oe3

If Hammer Back wasn't a put-down, I'd like it a lot less.  And, it
features some really great gtr plying to bail it out a bit as well.
I agree that HB and SB are weak cuts, but compared to some of the
other weak tracks from past BOC albums, they ain't bad at all...


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