OFF: BOC-L Tape Trade of 1993 for 1998

Andrew A. Apold mordru at MAGG.NET
Wed Apr 22 16:01:25 EDT 1998

>> Pardon,
>> But what is usually included on the tapes in the trade?  Just
>> songs/stuff we like?  are there limits? Years, song types, etc?
>Well, there's no "usually" to it since the only precedent is in 1993!
>What it is, is kind of a virtual "having your mates round and playing them
>some records".  So, no limits other than (a) it's not something everyone's
>heard already and (b) you've got to like it yourself!  Use your own
>judgement as to whether you think anyone *else* will ike it!
>A great chance to discover new bands that you'll never hear on MTV...  and
>also to form opinions on some of these weird bands people bang on about and
>you've never heard of!

Okay, it sounds like there is interest....
how do we get the ball rollinig... is there one coordinator?  Do we
cycle individul tapes around in a ring as we are done with them or try
to get one of everyone's to everyone?

Andrew A. Apold (mordru at, aka  | Tension
Roger Shrubstaff,                       |  Apprehension
Duchy of Silverwater (BL), Amtgard      |    and Dissention
aka Asgrim Dragon -=UDIC=-              |     have begun.
+--------B-L-U-E--Ö-Y-S-T-E-R--C-U-L-T--+    -Alfred Bester
 "I was corrupt before I had power!" - Random

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