HW: Kula Shaker Hurry on Sundown

Jon Browne jon at COMICS.DEMON.CO.UK
Thu Apr 23 04:20:18 EDT 1998

In article <199804221832.UAA25411 at online.no>, reset <mumford at ONLINE.NO>
>Thankyou. As I quietly view this from all angles after calming down I see
>that one particular path, and indeed  the center where there is perfect
>nothing. And it is good, and I devour the circular prison which I once
>perceived as the (w)hole with glee. And I love cream cheese. My belly is
>full of joy and I shall cheerfully seek out my new Kula Shaker record with
>perfect vision and renewed spirits on the 'morrow.

May the light shine upon us all

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