Andy Gilham Andy.Gilham at BTINTERNET.COM
Thu Apr 23 15:09:25 EDT 1998

    Hi all!You have my curiosity up-what is this, and how does it work?

OK, what it is is this:  Everybody who's interested makes up a tape, C60,
C90, whatever, of a bunch of their favourite weird music.  Then in 2 or 3
weeks from now, when you've had a chance to finish it, everyone who's "in"
writes to me (off-list) with their postal address.  I then put all the names
in a big black top hat and in an entirely fair and random manner decide who
should get which tape, and I write back to each of you telling you where to
mail your tape.

You then eagerly await a surprise package of music which someone else on the
list thinks is really groovy.  You may think it sucks the big one, but
equally you might discover your new favourite band!  I mean, we all tend to
bang on about our own obscure favourites (I know I do :) and it's a great
opportunity to share them, offer them up for ridicule, whatever.

'Course, if you do like what you hear, you really ought to go out and buy
the album it's from, and pass the tape along to the next guy!

- Andy

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