BOC Imaginos Analysis?

Ted Jackson jr. s2h2 tojackso at LIBRARY.SYR.EDU
Tue Dec 22 06:47:57 EST 1998

> From:          John A Swartz <jswartz at MBUNIX.MITRE.ORG>

> >Hello there.  I'm kind of new to this list, but I'd read in the FAQ about an
> analysis of Imaginos that Bryce Baker wrote
> What is in the FAQ is about 95% of what Bryce (aka Brian) wrote.
Hey, John,
Speaking of the FAQ, I think this month's Guitar Shop interview with
Buck has some FAQ-worthy quotes.  It's a really good article, and the
writer is obviously a big BOC fan.  Some great pictures too, incl. an
excellent '5 guitars' shot, and 2 large pics of Buck taken


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