HW: Silver Machine (Orb remix?)

Olivier Boigey Olivier_Boigey at TECHNOLINK.ORG
Sun Feb 8 11:20:26 EST 1998

In message ID <008501bd3444$7d848820$26433bcb at xl5.iinet.net.au> on 8/02/98,
BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List wrote:

> I quite liked the Astralasia remixes, but I absolutely hated the remixed
> Master of the Universe, You Shouldn't do That, and Sonic Destruction. Or was
> it Sonic Attack (one of them, anyway). The best remixes were left off the
> CD.
> William

Dealing with remix; the best are Dave Brock's remixes of Lord of Light & Sonic
Attack (with Bob Calvert voice) on the last EBS EP; Sonic Attack is probably
the freakiest of allI



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