HW: Your captain is dead...

Cliff and Pam Wheaton cwheaton at TRANSWESTTAXI.COM
Mon Feb 9 02:39:29 EST 1998

Walrus wrote:

> Re Nik Turner:
> I was thinking of getting another Nik CD (to complement Space Ritual
> 94),
> any suggestions? I saw one with Opa Loka on it (can't remember which
> one),
> anyone heard that and can recommend it?

Wal-It's "P.A.S.T. or F.U.T.U.R.E?"  I think its awesome! It's buried in
the "music bag" right now (the one that goes in the cab) but it has that
and a few other gems-a nice version of Kadu Flyer, as well as Lord of
the Hornets, High Rise, and a few others that I can't recall right now!!
I highly reccommend this one!!!
Rock on!

> There was something else but I've forgotten, oh well..
> Wal
> ~~~
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Walrus                         ___              "So happily did he
> live,
> walrus at neuron.net             /   \             that he forgot to eat
>   _______                    | O o |            and drink, and for a
>   _______\_                  |  ^  |            thousand years he even
>  /__\O/__/=                 /  | |  \           forgot to breathe."
>     _|\ .^.
>      | \_/             -= Close your eyes, relax and float downstream
> =-

      Pam Wheaton             Cliff Wheaton
  ____/----^----\____       The greatest tool
</__"Rockin Cabbie"__\o      for world peace
    O             O          "THE INTERNET"
E-mail: cwheaton at TransWestTaxi.com

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