OFF: Chrome tour date(s)subject in transition...

Kevin Sommers novadrive at PANGEATECH.COM
Thu Feb 12 04:49:18 EST 1998

Kevin Sommers

primiti too taa, nnz kkr muu.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List [mailto:BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU]On
> Behalf Of Bob Lennon
> Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 1998 11:35 PM
> To: Multiple recipients of list BOC-L
> Subject: Re: OFF: Chrome tour date(s)subject in transition...
> In a message dated 98-02-11 22:21:00 EST, you write:
> << At 19:33 11/02/98 +0100, Kenneth Magnusson wrote:
>  >Hi
>  >
>  >>> Exactly my thoughts, there is no Hawkwind anymore just two bands
>  >>> Hawkwind-covers, no I didn't say that they are bad, just that I think
> that
>  >>> the magic is gone. I hope that they can get it together for the
>  >>> of the 1999 Party and that they can avoid just being nostalgic.
>  >>
>  >>well, i know what you are saying, and agree with you to some extent.
> that
>  >>is not what i meant. i was actually being playfully sarcastic.  it's
>  >>hawkwind to me.  i dont bicker about which version it is. if its got
>  >>sound, and the feel, its hawkwind. i wouldnt say the magic is gone, but
>  >>altered.rj
>  >
>  >Yes, of course, but I don't think that the Hawks in the nineties have
>  >the right sound or feel to be Hawkwind, the closest anyone been to the
>  >Hawkfeel in the nineties was Nik on Space Ritual '94, but it has
>  >before. Like the Levitation line-up, Ginger Baker had no feeling,
>  >whatsoever, for the old material, just listen to Death Trap on Do Not
>  >Panic, it's horrible. Last time Hawkwind were Hawkwind was on Palace
>  >Springs, I really like It's The Business... and Business Trip, but You
>  >don't get the unfocused dreamy look, do You ? I must put in a brasklapp
>  >here, I haven't heard the last one yet...
>  >
>  >Kenneth
>  >
>  >
>   yep, gotta agree here.  Nik is doing Hawkwind a little better than they
>  at the moment. with Past or Future and the 1994 thing.
>    But the Hawks have never been static, have they?  They always change,
>  the last couple of versions habe not hit the spot have they?  But, I can
>  imagine those among us who have been long standing fans would have had
>  some versions which were not too good in their opinions either.  Some
>  like the neo punk stuff, others dont like the metallish stuff...whatever.
>      Troy
>   >>
> this is funny....the subject line is Chrome.......
> anyhow...Spaceship Hawkwind is still flying and thats all that matters to
> me...
> sorry for adding another post to this subject line
> Space is deep
> bl

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