Summer of Love....Not!

Hardman DK D.K.Hardman at CITY.AC.UK
Sun Jan 18 08:07:13 EST 1998

Did anyone see the movie "I Know What You Did Last Summer"?
I was flipping thru some soundtrack albums in the shops, and noticed that
the soundtrack for this film included a cover of "This Ain't The Summer Of
Love". I don't remember hearing this in the movie - anyone recall at which
point it was played?



David Hardman                           "When your back's against the
HCI Design Centre                        wall, you've got to turn round
School of Informatics                    and march forward!"
City University
Northampton Square                       John Major, ex-Prime Minister
London EC1V 0HB

Phone: +44 0171 477 8152
Fax:   +44 0171 477 8859
E-mail: D.K.Hardman at

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