HW: Interesting Challenge

Max Wilcox m.wilcox at UQ.NET.AU
Wed Jul 22 13:33:57 EDT 1998

-----Original Message-----
From: David G <d.greenhalgh at VIRGIN.NET>
To: Multiple recipients of list BOC-L <BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU>
Date: Thursday, 23 July 1998 3:28
Subject: HW: Interesting Challenge

>Hi List,
>I have been introducing a Japanese friend to hawkwind,  I shouldn't be
>surprised to have been asked the question "Which is the besty album?"
>Now,  I think this should be an open question,  Warriors or Doremi have
>it for me,  but what would people recommend as the "educational" best
>album of choice?

            It depends on the musical taste of your friend - Space Ritual
would have to do it for me, though...
            You have to consider these things carefully :') , if your friend
likes a certain type of heavy-ish glam-ish kind of music, I'd suggest the
Elric albums. If, though, they like electronic/ambient, I'd suggest Electric
Teepee. Etc etc.
            Good luck with the introductions, at any rate...

- Max Wilcox

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