HW: Kings of speed

Dan Witt hawkwind1 at EARTHLINK.NET
Sun Jul 26 05:11:23 EDT 1998

> The gig was recorded by me and Rainer Wangler. We taped a lot of gigs then and
> swapped the tapes afterwards to see which recording was better. But the CD
> contains exactly the version I have on tape, though the CD version must have been
> polished up a bit soundwise because there is less tape hissing on it.
> Brian Tawn thinks that this CD was released by the band themselves like they did
> with the vinyl version of Undisclosed files, which was done because they can get
> more money from a bootleg release than to put it out officially.
> Anyway, I paid 40 Deutschmarks for a CD that I recorded !
Wouldn't the band just use a soundboard recording? Since they have
access to the board it would seem a lot easier, and sound better.

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