BOC: Funky and Openers

David Hardman D.K.Hardman at CITY.AC.UK
Wed Jun 3 10:09:57 EDT 1998

On Wed, 3 Jun 1998, John A Swartz wrote:

> I've seen them open with Dominance and Submission, Stairway, The Red and
> the Black, and my favorite opener - R U Ready 2 Rock.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I swear on the RbN tour they opened
at Hammersmith with ME262. I have this memory of the lights going up,
hearing the opening chords crashing out, the band striding forward from
the back of the stage with Eric wearing the Kronos guitar. A magic moment,
at least in my mind, 'cept in the fog of half a lifetime's memories I fear
I may be making it all up...



David Hardman
HCI Design Centre
School of Informatics
City University
Northampton Square
London EC1V 0HB

Phone: +44 0171 477 8152
Fax:   +44 0171 477 8859
E-mail: D.K.Hardman at

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