
David Hardman D.K.Hardman at CITY.AC.UK
Thu Jun 4 11:14:09 EDT 1998

On Thu, 4 Jun 1998, M R Godwin wrote:

> Did you spot the musical quotes from 'You can't do that' and 'Cat's
> Squirrel' in Buck's Boogie? Are there any other tunes that he regularly
> includes in this number?

I knew about the Beatles thingy, but what or who is Cat's Squirrel?



David Hardman
HCI Design Centre
School of Informatics
City University
Northampton Square
London EC1V 0HB

Phone: +44 0171 477 8152
Fax:   +44 0171 477 8859
E-mail: D.K.Hardman at

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