HW: What now?

Christian000Mumford mumford at ONLINE.NO
Thu Jun 4 18:37:52 EDT 1998

> What's really fucked up about this is that I *am* a foaming at the
> mouth Blade Runner fan.  I bought a DVD player within a week of the
> format being announced, largely Blade Runner was one of the initial 10
> releases by Warner Bros.  Because it was the director's cut.  Does
> the Alien's cut fix any of the consistency problems in the film?  I'll
> put a down-payment on a 6-D psychographic projector now!  ;-)

> I just got done listening to Tool's "3rd Eye" as well.  Should I go
> listen to _Sychronicity_, now?!
> Steve,
>  no longer just behind on his mail, but feeling disturbed as well
> obLastWeek'sDVDpurchase: _Brazil_

That early draft for the X-Files film plot was just a smoke screen for the
forthcoming Spielberg Illuminatus! trilogy (well, sextology but that's only
half of it). The 6D Aliens cut of Bladerunner has the narration of Harrison
Ford subtitled in Norwegian.


(ObColors: Police _Synchronicity_)

"The future's so bright, I've got to wear a fucking welder's mask."
                - Fish

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