OFF: Its about time

BREVARD, Adrian R. abrevard at SHL.COM
Wed Jun 10 11:31:49 EDT 1998

name one single instance in any work of fiction where the act of
altering the past was handled properly. the closest i've seen was in an
episode of red dwarf, and that was atrocious!

How about Torgo's "BOC meet Capt. Kirk" story from a couple years back.
T-man worked that one real well.  I always thought the various
incarnations of Star Trek have handled time travel pretty well.

Back to passive lurking goes the Ghost who's been time tripping,
froogin' to older bands like Triumph and Y&T.

Ghost in the Ruins

"Dancing is perpendicular expression of a horizontal desire."

OBCD - "Ghost of a Disc" available exclusively from Ted Discs

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