HW: Party 1997

christian mumford mumford at ONLINE.NO
Wed Mar 4 09:45:28 EST 1998

sprawl writes:
> Walrus wrote:
> > space ritual (party that is).. on the other hand, past or future seems
> > more "raw" than nik's space ritual 94..
> 'sfunny, i thot the oposite... that SR94 was really noisy and past or
> was very polished..

Yeah me too. PoF? is the best of the two IMO. SR94 is alot looser and
noisier, theres just something about that solidly crunchy  guitar on PoF? I
love whereas Creed on SR94 does alot more noodling.

As for PoF? AND 1999 Party being purchased at the same time, it makes my
mind reel! My two favorite live albums of the HW family...


ObReplaced: Sundial - Overspill EP hahahah!
ObBummer: it's probably included on the recent Sundial rarities comp

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