HW: Oh dear god NO!!!

Bernhard Pospiech bernhard.pospiech at GELSENKIRCHEN.NETSURF.DE
Tue Mar 10 10:30:12 EST 1998

At 12:18 10.03.98 +0000, you wrote:
>Frank's "Golden Void" >(http://www.enteract.com/~weil/golden_void.html) is
pretty hard to
>top, and Paul's "Sonique" page
>(http://www.pcmicro.com.au/~Sonique/Hawkwind/) is there too of >course

Yeah! I would take the same sites as a basic HAWKFAN site.
But there is still the problem that we need someone who is very close to
the band or the "management".


>but I think what we miss from hawkwind.com is the EBS release dates, the
>previews of albums covers, stuff like that.
>mailto:Andy.Gilham at btinternet.com; http://www.btinternet.com/~andy.gilham

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