Hawkwind/Babylon 5 link

William Duffy xl5 at IINET.NET.AU
Wed Mar 18 12:43:02 EST 1998

-----Original Message-----
From: John McCartney <John.McCartney at CORP.SUN.COM>
To: Multiple recipients of list BOC-L <BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU>
Date: Thursday, March 19, 1998 1:41
Subject: Re: Hawkwind/Babylon 5 link

>Actually, if you take a good look at it, and if you know anything at
>all about the character who's fighter that is, you'll see that it's
>the Russian Imperial Eagle. Eagles that look like that have been used
>for hundreds of years in European heraldry, especially Russian and
>German/Austrian. So no, not a ripoff of nor even a tip of the hat to
>the Hawks.....
The model kit symbol I saw looks like a rip off to me. It's the same symbol
as the hawk seen on the inside cover of the Levitation CD. The one above the
spacesuit outline.

I'm looking around to find images of it.


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