BOC: Hey John!

BREVARD, Adrian R. abrevard at SHL.COM
Tue Mar 24 16:28:56 EST 1998

Swartz, I dunno 'bout you but "I'm damaged and like it."  Can you play
this one on the four stringer?  Is that Buck with the monologue?  BTW
where the hell is "Millbrook"?  Anyone know.

This is about the 5th time through on Damaged and I still can't believe
this is BUCK SINGING!  Ooooo Heaven Forbid I'm gonna lose it if this one
is in the setlist when they hit Jaxx in April.

Ghost in the Ruins

The Greaseman's 4 G's of Sex

Get it up.
Get it in.
Get it off.
Go to sleep.

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