OFF: Hubbard (was Re: HW: Time of the Hawklords)

BL Young blyoung at BIGFOOT.COM
Wed May 13 14:40:35 EDT 1998

>>"Dianetics" -- the best piece of science-fiction L. Ron Hubbard
>>ever penned...

>You mean there's something better than 'Battlefield Earth'???

Actually I rather enjoyed the early novel "Slaves of Sleep".
I've read Battlefield Earth and thought it was awful.  I think
that "Slaves of Sleep" showed up on a "top 100 fantasy novels
of all time" that Moorcock had a hand in compiling.

A good read, but I've never come across any other Hubbard
that was worth the time.  I'm still planning to read his
Doc Methusaleh stuff.


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