HW: Appearance at Open Air Festival cancelled ===

Cutting, Richard richard.cutting at SYNOPSYS.LTD.UK
Fri May 15 11:18:25 EDT 1998

Cool idea ! Can we work on this ? I know other bands who'd probably be
interested in playing as well.

> ----------
> From:         M Holmes[SMTP:fofp at HOLYROOD.ED.AC.UK]
> Reply To:     BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List
> Sent:         15 May 1998 16:05
> To:   Multiple recipients of list BOC-L
> Subject:      Re: HW: Appearance at Open Air Festival cancelled ===
> Cutting, Richard writes:
> > Thats a really good idea !  I'd be up for it.  Plus we could have a
> Q +
> > A session with Hawkwind as well.
> My SO and a bunch of her friends once hired a castle for a weekend.
> Apparently for some of them, it's not as expensive as you'd imagine.
> It'd make an ideal Hawkwind gig and accomodation problems would be
> solved. It'd be kinda neat to see the Black Sword and Warrior stuff
> played from the battlements of a real castle. Maybe finding one
> accessible from London would be worth investigating. Jill, do you know
> anything that would help here?
> Hell, if the 1999 Party is really going to happen, then someone who
> *can* organise it probably should. I figure the folks on this list
> have
> a better record that Hawkwind management.
> Mike "If we book the castle They will come..." Holmes

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