HW: Private HAWKWIND gig ===

Cutting, Richard richard.cutting at SYNOPSYS.LTD.UK
Mon May 18 04:10:00 EDT 1998

I agree. Lights & P A are not a problem. If the band doesn't want to use
theirs I have a friend who owns a PA hire company and I'm sure that he'd
give a good rate, especially if he got some help lugging the stuff about
!  I have another friend who is a manager of a London based band and I'm
sure that he could suggest a suitable venue to use ( they also have a PA
system so it could be possible to use that ).     Video should also not
be a problem, yet another friend of mine is studying video production
and can get access to cameras etc. Plus students at his college are
always looking for interesting projects to do.

> ----------
> From:         Bernhard
> Pospiech[SMTP:bernhard.pospiech at GELSENKIRCHEN.NETSURF.DE]
> Reply To:     BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List
> Sent:         16 May 1998 14:15
> To:   Multiple recipients of list BOC-L
> Subject:      Re: HW: Private HAWKWIND gig
> Hi
> >Ich auch.  But do we know how much it costs to get HW to play?  >And
> do we
> know how we would get PA, lights, etc.?
> I do not know but I have got a video where HW played in a pub called
> BEEHIVE in BRIDPORT on 10.03.1989.
> They didn't have much lights and PA. I think that we can take the PA
> which
> belongs to the band and some coloured torches. We do not need to fill
> the
> Someone who has got very good contact to the band should ask how much
> money
> they need to give small and private gigs for the real HARDCORE fans
> (in
> London of course to make things easy for the band)
> Bernhard

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