Please forward or send on this page to all your friends

Nick English nick at THECAMPUS.COM
Fri May 22 00:30:00 EDT 1998

> "Please forward and send this page to everyone you know to help out this
> little girl"

> <A HREF="">
> Please Help This Page Get 500,000 hits.

Not to say I think this is a sham, but it reminds me of a chain
e-mail letter I got not too long ago. The guy said there was some kid
dying from something at a children's hospital in Pittsburgh, and the
hospital agreed to donate so much money for his treatment based on
how many people received the chain letter. At the bottom it had a
quote, supposedly from the gravely ill kid, saying something to the
effect that what comes around goes around, and if I refused to simply
send the letter to five or ten friends and 'help' this kid, then
somewhere down the line I would get what's coming to me.
I replied the sender, saying that I would never help a little brat
like that, no matter what was wrong with him, and I hoped he just got
sicker because of it. Sounds pretty heartless, but I just do not in
any way believe this message was real, and I was quite offended by
it. Anyone else ever receive a letter like this?

--  Nick

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