BOC: More Birdman/BOC love-in stuff

Andy Gilham Andy.Gilham at BTINTERNET.COM
Thu May 28 17:36:19 EDT 1998

Oh, Deniz is that guy from Ann Arbor, who moved to Australia, formed Radio
Birdman, then joined the US Navy where he learned to fly Phantoms, and then
took a medical degree and practiced medicine in Billings, Montana, and then
decided to make some more records.

- Andy

mailto:Andy.Gilham at;

> -----Original Message-----
> From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List [mailto:BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU]On
> Behalf Of John A Swartz
> Sent: 28 May 1998 20:46
> To: Multiple recipients of list BOC-L
> Subject: Re: BOC: More Birdman/BOC love-in stuff
> >Listening to the Deniz Tek Group's
> O.K., I'm confused - what's this have to do with Radio Birdman?  I'm
> not familiar with Deniz Tek Group.  But, this is a cool reference that
> will have to get into the next version of the FAQ.
> John

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