
Jonathan Jarrett jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Mon Nov 30 18:48:49 EST 1998

On Tue, 24 Nov 1998, Scott Heller wrote:

>         I just got back from ten days in the boston area and hooked up with
> Larry Boyd and Chris and Mary Bruce. Chris has settled his court case and
> came out on the upside! So Chris and mary are coming back to life and here
> is how people can reach them. They are suppose to be distributing this Pink
> Floyd book with the exclusive HW tracks via a deal with Griffin. Chris is
> producing a few bands, God Smack, Bishop's Strike etc..

        Is there going to be any way of getting hold of this CD without
buying the book? I wouldn't mind an HW IO, but the encyclopedia I could
probably live without... Yours,

        |       Jonathan Jarrett               Pembroke College     |
        | jjarrett at chiark.greenend.org.uk         Cambridge         |
        | "If only you believe, then only you will die" (Motorhead) |

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