OFF: Monster magnet

Jonathan Jarrett jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Sun Oct 25 19:41:31 EST 1998

On Mon, 19 Oct 1998, Doug Pearson wrote:

> On Fri, 16 Oct 1998 20:23:14 -0700, Bryan Young <blyoung at BIGFOOT.COM> wrote:
> >But I think you're wrong on the 3 song thing.  I'd have to check, but
> >I'm sure there's at least 5 songs.  One of the songs not listed is the
> >"Tractor" song that just showed up on the new Powertrip album.
> >("driving my tractor on the drug farm...")
> Are you sure you're not thinking of the self-titled mini-album that came
> out on the German label Glitterhouse?  That one DOES have 5 (all short,
> unlike 'TAB...25') songs, including the song "Tractor" that you mention,
> which was originally the B-side of their second single, "Murder", on
> Caroline's Primo Scree subsidiary (same label that put out the first
> version of 'Spine of God' - there are apparently two mixes of that album).
> Also on the mini-album were remakes of the first single, "Lizard Johnny"
> and "Freak Shop USA" as well as early versions of "Snake Dance" and "Nod
> Scene" (that were re-done for 'Spine of God').

        My copy of 'Tab.... 25' has five tracks, four of which are listed.
They are: "Tab.... ", "25", "Longhair", "Lord 13", and then "Tractor",
anonymously. I don't know if there are varinat versions, but that's what I

        Is the early cassette still available anywhere? I would like that
a lot, I think... Yours all,

        |       Jonathan Jarrett              Pembroke College     |
        | jjarrett at        Cambridge         |
        |        01223 338100                     CB2 1RF          |
        |       "Wilhelm Reich died for your sins"  (ST37)         |

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