OFF: Re: Advice wanted: PC CD Writers.

sprawl sprawl at BLACKBOARD.COM
Sat Sep 19 00:55:00 EDT 1998

Paul Mather wrote:
> With the caveat that multi-session audio CDs will only play all the
> sessions in multi-session CD-ROM drives, i.e., only the first session
> will play in standard consumer CD players.  (I have a Peter Green era
> Fleetwood Mac CD I made, which I later added some Peter Green material
> to later, as a second session on the disc.

I'm sure that is true to your experience, but not with the one I have.
Only the HiVal _PLUS_ software allows this.  I have tested it, and all
tracks read true, no matter what I play it on.  That is the value of
writing the Contents at the _end_ of the session. I know this is true,
because when I begin recording, it starts writing the file immediately,
( I have interupted recordings seconds after starting to find that I had
seconds of music on the disc- ruining the disc, of course....)
and when I finish a disc it spends about three minutes writing unknown
info to the disc.  Check out their website for more info.

> I agree, unless you are going to be burning a lot of CDs on a regular
> basis, e.g., as trades.  Personally, I just set it going and leave it on
> its merry way, and come back later when the CD is "cooked." :-)

If I am recording whole disc images, I just press record and go out or
to bed, or maybe lunch.  I mean, I can't see needing more speed unless
I were to go beyond trading, like maybe as far as 'piracy.'  It's only
slightly annoying when live track for track recording.

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