HW: Lyrics

Carl Edlund Anderson cea20 at CUS.CAM.AC.UK
Wed Apr 21 06:10:59 EDT 1999

     I remember being struck by the name "Earth Ritual" as a
counterpart to _Space Ritual_, and it immediately conjured up
all kinds of cool ideas about ley lines and stone circles.
The marvelous world of popular metaphysics!  Plus there's that
cool new book by Julian Cope. And as many SF and mythological
tie-ins as you want.  Very British, but there's analogous stuff
in various Asian, South American, etc. cultures, so one can
think globally and act locally ... or vice versa ... or whatever.

     Anyway, _Space Ritual_ was for "out there", so an "in here"
would be complementary.

     Slightly shifting, Neal Stephenson would be an appropriate
sort of author, methinks.  I think he's rather into more extreme
kinds of metal, but there plenty of random eco-, anarcho-, cyber-
wossnames in there (and he likes Macs ;)

     I also agree that a _Star Trek_ con might not be my first
choice of a place to see HW, though I know the band are big fans
of the show.  I've always thought of Hawkwind as operating in
a giant space-opera neverneverland, shifting easily from sci-fi
to fantasy to reality, though mostly somewhere indefinable.

     After I scared up a Hawkwind T-shirt for the first time in
the early 90s I used to wear it religiously to cons, and people
of all ages kept showing up and saying, "Hawkwind!  Are they still
going?  Where can I get their albums?  I found a used copy of
_Space Ritual_ last month and it only cost 25 bucks!"


Carl Edlund Anderson
Dept. of Anglo-Saxon, Norse, & Celtic
St. John's College, University of Cambridge
mailto:cea20 at cus.cam.ac.uk

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