hawkwind members list

M Holmes fofp at HOLYROOD.ED.AC.UK
Tue Aug 24 13:30:33 EDT 1999

Keith Henderson writes:

> Mike began...
> >I'd have thought that between us we could list pretty much everyone
> >who's ever played for Hawkwind?
> >
> >Here's a start. If you can add to the list then please do so.
> There were some people who showed up on various recordings around 1981-4 I
> think.  Like Marc Sperhawk (sp?)

That name rings a bell you know...
> Did you get Sam Fox?

No, She should be in there though.

> Wot's this?

It's a list of initials from Bernhards gig list who I couldn't identify

I'm sure Bernhard will enlighten us...


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